Saturday, September 19, 2015
4PA Update
Last week students continued to learn about the eight parts of speech by delving into the text Grammar Town. Students briefly reviewed the noun system which includes three kinds of words: nouns, pronouns and adjectives. Students also reviewed the two parts of a sentence, the subject (who or what the sentence is about) and the predicate (what the subject is or does). 4PA participated in a simple, but fun way to practice this understanding. They worked with a partner and took turns writing the subject part of the sentence and the predicate part of the sentence. They alternated roles, which provided the opportunity for each student to write both the subject and predicate. 4PA also viewed the video about Mr. Norton which solidified their understandings and was an absolute hit!
Another focus for the week was verbs. Students learned about the difference between action verbs and linking verbs and analyzed a passage titled "The Day that Push Came to Shove". By completing this analysis, students realized the importance of using strong action verbs within their writing. They were also exposed to a list of linking verbs and were surprised that I had to memorize these words as an elementary student. They learned that a linking verb's job is to connect ideas. Sentences that include these types of verbs are very similar to number equations. For example, we know that 2+2=4. This is an equation in which both sides are equal. In the sentence, "John IS a good sailor." John=good sailor. John and sailor are the same. This helped students to distinguish the difference between a linking and action verb. Next week students will be learning about adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions and interjections.
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