5PA Update

Last week, we had to be somewhat flexible due to some cancellations.  We had a last-minute assembly as well as a visit from Still Middle School.  As a result, we were unable to accomplish some of the learning tasks that were previously scheduled.  This week, students will wrap up their reading of "The Great Blackberry Pick" and begin the annotation process.  We will spend less time on annotating in order to focus on completing a Depth and Complexity frame.  This frame will allow students to focus on specific questions that relate to specific icons within the framework.  The learners will be focusing on Big Ideas, Change Over Time, Multiple Perspectives and Ethics.  They will answer the following questions: Why do you think the author chose to write this reading selection? What is she trying to communicate?  Take on the perspective of either Val or the Father.  Defend one of the choices made by the character during the story.  Were there any actions or conflicts that some readers might find controversial?  What changes did you notice within a character from the reading selection?  Provide examples to support your answer.  

If time permits, we will answer various questions that will enable students to focus on the ethical issues within the text. Please be aware that PA will be canceled the week of January 27th and February 3rd due to Project Arrow Testing.

4PA Update

I am so proud of every student in 4PA!  Last week, students began their performance tasks for The Secret Garden.  Each learner was responsible for identifying 3 quotes that represented a change in a selected character from the novel.  We spent a great deal of time reviewing the rubric and viewing student samples.  I was amazed by the level of workmanship.  I compared finding the quotes to trying to "find a needle in a haystack."  It is not an easy task; however, I felt that students were able to pinpoint wonderful quotes that represented the evolution that a particular character underwent in the story.  This week, students will focus their time on using their artistic abilities to create symbolic representations that connect to the chosen quotes.  If time permits, students will begin using watercolors to complete their illustrations.  Please be aware that PA will be canceled the week of January 27th and February 3rd due to Project Arrow testing.

3PA Update

Students have been hard at work writing their diamante poems in connection to "The Ugly Duckling."  This week, students will spend some time revising and editing their work.  We will review the rubric to ensure that their poems align with academic expectations. Students will be responsible for typing and illustrating their poems.  We will share our poems at the end of the week to celebrate their published work.  Please be aware that PA will be canceled during the week of January 27th and February 3rd due to Project Arrow testing. 

5PA Update

During the upcoming week, students will begin reading a story entitled "The Great Blackberry Pick" by Philippa Pearce.  Students will be reviewing vocabulary from the story using Quizlet, an interactive site that enables learners to use collaborative skills to identify the definitions of words.  As a class, we will complete a first read of the text.  For the remainder of the week, students will be closely reading the text and annotating.  They will be given 2-3 days to annotate.  We will continue to use concepts/icons from the Depth and Complexity framework as a guide during the annotation process. Students will be encouraged to take a close look at the ethical issues within the text; this will be a major focus.  Prior to annotating, we will review ethics and discuss ethical issues that are happening in our world.  I am looking forward to observing the complex ideas that students will unearth when reading this literary piece.

4PA Update

This week, students will finish viewing the movie of The Secret Garden and writing their New Year's resolutions.  Then, we will begin working on a performance task for The Secret Garden.  Students will be expected to identify three quotes that supports the transformation of one of the characters.  Students will need to explore the book in order to locate text evidence.  They will also be using their creative and artistic abilities to produce a visual representation that relates to each of the quotes that they have identified.  The goal is for students to use imagery, symbolism, and creativity when completing this task.  I am certain that students will enjoy this process and will put forth an immense amount of effort.  

3PA Update

During the upcoming week,  we will begin by wrapping up our New Year's resolution writing.  Then, students will be working on diamante poems in connection with the story "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen.  They will be learning about the structure of this type of poem and will focus on the change the main character undergoes throughout the story. Each learner will be encouraged to create original pieces. They will also be encouraged to integrate creative word choice. Students will be typing their poems and adding illustrations that connect to what they have depicted in their poems. I am looking forward to seeing the final products.

5PA Update

Happy New Year!!  I just wanted to do a brief check-in regarding the week of January 6th.  We have only been able to meet two days due to benchmarking (the second day being tomorrow).   However, students were able to consider their personal goals for the upcoming year.  I was able to share a wonderful picture book entitled There by Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick. The text had an inspirational message about discovery and exploration.  This will align extremely well with our writing task.  Tomorrow, students will begin their resolution writing and complete a countdown to 2020!!  Be sure to ask them about it.  I will be sending out a new blog post this weekend.  I just wanted to make sure I shared a few of this week's highlights! 

4PA Update

Happy New Year!!  I just wanted to do a brief check-in regarding the week of January 6th.  We have only been able to meet two days due to benchmarking. However, students were able to consider their personal goals and began writing resolutions for the new year.  I was able to share a wonderful picture book entitled There by Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick. The text had an inspirational message about discovery and exploration.  This aligned extremely well with our writing task. We also had a FUN countdown to 2020!! The students LOVED it!

Tomorrow, students will be viewing the movie of The Secret Garden.  I am sure they will be able to identify a variety of similarities and differences when comparing the book to the movie.  I will be sending out a new blog post this weekend.  I just wanted to make sure I shared a few of this week's highlights! 

3PA Update

Happy New Year!!  I just wanted to do a brief check-in regarding the week of January 6th.  We have only been able to meet two days due to benchmarking. However, students were able to consider their personal goals and began writing resolutions for the new year.  I was able to share a wonderful picture book entitled Someday by Eileen Spinelli. The text had an inspirational message about endless possibilities, exploration and the courage to think big.  This aligned extremely well with our writing task.  We will continue working on resolutions next week.  Stay tuned for more info.