5PA Update

5PA students will be having a quiz over the eight parts of speech on Monday.  They were asked to bring their binders home and review the grammar pages located in the resource section of their binder.  If they would like extra practice, they may work on the digital task that was assigned in Google Classroom.  It is titled "Parts of Speech Digital Activities".

All 5th-grade students will be completing the CogAT on October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.  This is a very important assessment as it is one of the tools we use for qualification purposes for middle school PA.  Please encourage your child to get a good night's rest and eat a healthy breakfast.  As a result of testing, students will see me for an abbreviated time during their testing days.  I will see them during the regularly scheduled time on Monday and Tuesday.  However, on Wednesday through Friday, I will see them for approximately 30 minutes.  During this time, we will continue our novel study The Toothpaste Millionaire.  Have a great weekend!

4PA Update

On Monday, students will wrap up their grammar study by learning about interjections.  They will also have a grammar quiz over the material covered during the last few weeks.  Students have been asked to refer to the pages in the resource section of their binder for review.  They should read each highlighted page to prepare. If they would like extra practice, they may work on the digital task that was assigned in Google Classroom.  It is titled "Parts of Speech Digital Activities".

Last week, our intention was to begin learning about point of view; however, we did not get to it.  During the upcoming week, POV will be a major focus.  Students will be receiving direct instruction as well as participating in various activities which will allow them to apply their learning.   We will also begin reviewing theme through the use of an interactive presentation.  Excerpts from the book Because of Winn Dixie will be shared to provide opportunities to practice identifying various themes present within the text.

We have begun our Seesaw exploration.  This is an online program that will serve as a digital portfolio of the work students complete throughout the year.  Seesaw will also be used as a communication tool for quick reminders that I would like to share with you.  Please be on the lookout for both a paper copy and a digital document that will provide you with information about how to get the Seesaw app and view your child's work.  Below is a quick video about Seesaw.

3PA Update

This week, we will be wrapping up our study of the eight parts of speech by learning about interjections.  Students will also have a short quiz on Monday. Please encourage your child to do a review of the grammar pages located in the resource section of their binder. They will only need to be aware of the following parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions.  Please have students refer to these pages only. There are additional pages; however, they will not need to review these.  Learners will be responsible for analyzing sentences and identifying the various parts of speech.

For the remainder of the week, your children will be learning about generalizations.  They will learn that generalizations are broad statements about a subject based on information, observations, and experiences.  They will also be introduced to the generalizations of change and be asked to apply their knowledge in various ways. 

Last week, I sent home some information about Seesaw via backpack.  If for some reason you did not receive it, please let me know.  You may also click HERE to be taken to the digital version.  Enjoy your weekend!

5PA Update

This week, students will continue their study of grammar.  We will be investigating adverbs, conjunctions, and prepositions.  We are finally beginning our novel study, Toothpaste Millionaire! This book is about an entrepreneur named Rufus Mayflower, a sixth-grader, who becomes a millionaire by making toothpaste.  Students will be introduced to a few of the Depth and Complexity icons (e.g. details, big ideas, ethics, change, etc...). These icons will be used throughout the year during the annotation process.  Depth and Complexity is a framework that enables students to categorize their thoughts about reading and provides opportunities for learners to use higher-level thinking skills to gain in-depth understandings of the text being read. I'm excited to use these icons in connection with our first novel and I am confident that it will help students to become thoughtful readers.

Last week, we finally completed our class motto/vision statement. I am so proud of the students and know that this will be a message that we can return to over and over again throughout our year together. Please see below.

4PA Update

This week, students will be wrapping up their learning about the eight parts of speech.  We will be exploring conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections.  Each learner will continue to be exposed to picture books, videos, and cooperative learning opportunities to deepen their understandings of the content being studied. Students will also view the Schoolhouse Rock videos to review their learning.  Below are some pictures of students engaging in a Kagan structure called Numbered Heads Together. Their task was to identify the different parts of speech within a given sentence.  I was so impressed with their engagement and accuracy!

We will begin learning about point of view. Students will engage in an interactive lesson to help them learn about first, second, and third-person point of view.  They will also be learning how to identify the different point of views when reading texts. 

Finally, we will be using one of my favorite texts, Because of Winnie Dixie to practice identifying theme within a text.  If time permits, we will begin exploring Seesaw...more information about this online portfolio will be coming soon!

3PA Update

Students have now learned about nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and verbs.  One way that students can practice their learning is by going on a book hunt and finding examples of the parts of speech they have studied.  During the upcoming week, students will be learning about adverbs, conjunctions, and prepositions.  Most likely, the concepts being examined will be new to students.  I will continue to use engaging activities and Kagan structures to help solidify understandings.

Last week, we began exploring Seesaw.  This is an online program that will serve as a digital portfolio of the work students complete throughout the year.  Seesaw will also be used as a communication tool for quick reminders that I would like to share with you.  Please be on the lookout for both a paper copy and a digital document that will provide you with information about how to get the Seesaw app and view your child's work.  Below is a quick video about Seesaw.

5PA Update

5PA has been fervently working on creating a class motto that we will live by this year in our classroom.  The goal will be to complete this task during the upcoming week. Take a quick peek below at the pics of your children collaborating.  Students will also continue their study of grammar and will be learning about the following concepts: verbs, adverbs, and conjunctions. We will begin our first novel study of the year, The Toothpaste Millionaire.  This story is about a sixth-grader named Rufus Mayflower.  He doesn't set out to become a millionaire. He just wants to save on toothpaste.  Betting he can make a gallon of his own for the same price as one tube from the store, Rufus develops a step-by-step production plan with help from his good friend Kate MacKinstrey. I am confident students will enjoy this book!

4PA Update

During the upcoming week, students will continue their study of grammar concepts.  Students will be learning about verbs, adverbs, and conjunctions. We will also begin to complete practice sentences.  Learners will be responsible for identifying the different parts of speech within a sentence. This task is similar to diagramming sentences.  The goal is that each child is able to apply the learning being done throughout the week, firm up their understandings, and decrease misconceptions about the skills being examined.

We have also incorporated Kagan structures which enhance understanding and create opportunities for students to communicate and collaborate appropriately with their peers.  Please see the videos of your children in action. I am looking forward to another wonderful week with your children.

3PA Update

We are well on our way to becoming grammar experts in 3PA.  During the upcoming week, students will be learning about adjectives, subjects, predicates, and verbs.  Students participate in daily readings as well as Kagan structures which help to solidify their understandings of the grammar concepts being studied.  These structures also help students to work on their communication and collaboration skills. There will be a short quiz over nouns, pronouns, and adjectives on Tuesday.

Last week, we began learning about plot development through the use of a short fable entitled The Lion and the Gnat.  Students were exposed to a plot development chart and reviewed the following elements: exposition, rising action, falling action, and resolution. This week, we will continue to use The Lion and the Gnat to work on inferential thinking and identify consequences and implications.  Students will also be writing a similar short story. Learners will be required to include the story elements previously discussed.  I am so impressed with your children and their enthusiasm about learning.