1. Read the passage.
2. Cross out dialogue (spoken or internal thoughts).
3. Focus on pronouns.
As a culminating activity, students completed a project in which they were asked to identify the POV of several different passages. I placed this project in our hall so that you will be able to view their work when you attend fall conferences.
This week students will continue to discuss and annotate a poem entitled "Birdfoot's Grampa". We had some interesting conversations about stanzas, metaphorical language and perspective. If you are interested in reading this poem click here. I would encourage you to have your child explain their thinking about the poem to you. Students will continue to explore poetry by reading another thought provoking poem called "Famous". Our purpose for reading both poems is to infer the different themes present within the text. I am eager to see what students come up with!
Below is a fun video to review point of view that we didn't have to time to watch in class.
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