5PA-Socratic Seminar

I am so excited to announce that the students in 5PA have completed their very first Socratic Seminar of the year.  Words cannot express how amazed I was with the thoughts and ideas that were presented.  Students were SO articulate during the discussions.  They were also able to clearly cite evidence from the text to support their thinking.  Before participating, all individuals were exposed to the expectations and routines that must be followed during a Socratic Seminar. Below are the ground rules that were discussed.  We also viewed two videos that depicted what students should do during a seminar.  During the video, students had to  take notes on what they saw and heard.  Afterwards, students had a discussion to share out their noticings.

Socratic Seminar Ground Rules:
1. Speak so that all can hear you.
2. Listen closely.
3. Speak without raising your hand.
4. Refer to the text.
5. Talk to each other not just the leader.
6. Ask for clarification.  Don't stay confused.
7. Invite and allow others to speak.
8. Consider all viewpoints and ideas.
9. Know that you are responsible for the quality of the seminar.

The students were so excited during the seminar that they didn't want it to end.  I was so proud of all of the students, and I can't wait until our next Socratic Seminar.  Next time, I promise to take pictures.