5PA Update

5PA has been fervently working on creating a class motto that we will live by this year in our classroom.  The goal will be to complete this task during the upcoming week. Take a quick peek below at the pics of your children collaborating.  Students will also continue their study of grammar and will be learning about the following concepts: verbs, adverbs, and conjunctions. We will begin our first novel study of the year, The Toothpaste Millionaire.  This story is about a sixth-grader named Rufus Mayflower.  He doesn't set out to become a millionaire. He just wants to save on toothpaste.  Betting he can make a gallon of his own for the same price as one tube from the store, Rufus develops a step-by-step production plan with help from his good friend Kate MacKinstrey. I am confident students will enjoy this book!