5PA Update

5PA students will be having a quiz over the eight parts of speech on Monday.  They were asked to bring their binders home and review the grammar pages located in the resource section of their binder.  If they would like extra practice, they may work on the digital task that was assigned in Google Classroom.  It is titled "Parts of Speech Digital Activities".

All 5th-grade students will be completing the CogAT on October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.  This is a very important assessment as it is one of the tools we use for qualification purposes for middle school PA.  Please encourage your child to get a good night's rest and eat a healthy breakfast.  As a result of testing, students will see me for an abbreviated time during their testing days.  I will see them during the regularly scheduled time on Monday and Tuesday.  However, on Wednesday through Friday, I will see them for approximately 30 minutes.  During this time, we will continue our novel study The Toothpaste Millionaire.  Have a great weekend!