4PA Update

Tomorrow, students will be completing the final preparation for our Socratic Seminar.  They will be considering themes that align with the text "Lenny's Red Letter Day" and will complete a class ranking to determine which theme will be discussed during our seminar.  Students will also be writing a personal goal that they will be asked to focus on throughout our discussion. Our first Socratic Seminar will occur on Tuesday, November 12th. 

During the remainder of the week, students will be reviewing important skills in preparation for The Secret Garden.  Students will be exposed to symbolism which will be a major focus during our novel study.  All learners will be provided time to examine different objects, and they will be encouraged to consider what they symbolize.  If time permits, we will read Her Right Foot by Dave Eggers.  This is a book about the making of the Statue of Liberty.  Students will discuss the different symbols connected to this national landmark.  We will also be reviewing literary elements, plot development, and building schema about ideas/concepts readers will be confronted with as they are reading this extraordinary classic.

Reminder:  Last week, I sent home a parent homework sheet that will help me to prepare for conferences.  If possible, please have your child return this form by Thursday, November 14th. Thank you!