5PA Update

Last week, 5PA had an amazing Socratic Seminar discussion. I was amazed at the level of thinking exhibited and the students' ability to engage in conversations centered around a piece of text.  This week, we will be focusing on the literary piece entitled "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury. Students completed the first read on Friday and were given an opportunity to share their initial reactions using an online discussion board called Padlet.  I was astounded by the ideas students were able to identify after having just read the text once. Learners will have the opportunity to revisit and analyze the text during the upcoming week.  They will be required to annotate the text and will be given approximately 3 days to complete this task.  During annotation, students will focus on the following concepts: identification of figurative language, ethical issues, big ideas, details, patterns, and perspective.  Finally, Project Arrow will be canceled on Monday, November 11th due to our Veterans Day assembly.

Reminder: On Friday, I sent home a parent homework sheet that will help me to prepare for conferences.  If possible, please have your child return this form by Thursday, November 14th.  Thank you!