Monday, January 20, 2020
4PA Update
I am so proud of every student in 4PA! Last week, students began their performance tasks for The Secret Garden. Each learner was responsible for identifying 3 quotes that represented a change in a selected character from the novel. We spent a great deal of time reviewing the rubric and viewing student samples. I was amazed by the level of workmanship. I compared finding the quotes to trying to "find a needle in a haystack." It is not an easy task; however, I felt that students were able to pinpoint wonderful quotes that represented the evolution that a particular character underwent in the story. This week, students will focus their time on using their artistic abilities to create symbolic representations that connect to the chosen quotes. If time permits, students will begin using watercolors to complete their illustrations. Please be aware that PA will be canceled the week of January 27th and February 3rd due to Project Arrow testing.
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