5PA Update

Last week, students completed their literary essays in connection with the text "All Summer in a Day."  Each learner then participated in a mock disciplinary board meeting to determine if the actions of the characters were intentional or incidental. The students took on the role of disciplinary board members and were extremely professional.  Each learner provided evidence that supported their claims and they also contributed sound reasoning to support their beliefs.  I was so proud of their work.  I think this was probably the highlight of our time together this year.  They truly enjoyed themselves!
This week students will be spending some time focusing on social-emotional learning.  I am aware that students have way more stressors than you or I did when we were their age.  To support them in this area, we will be reading and discussing I'm Stretched! by Julia Cook and discussing what students can do when they feel stressed.  We will also be viewing a video that will serve as a great connection to the book and help students to understand the causes of stress and how they can relieve it.   
I LOVE teaching writing! So, I have decided to spend a couple of days on creative writing.  We will be using a text entitled The Creativity Project by Colby Sharp to inspire writers.  Also, on Thursday, December 19th, students will be participating in another Glow Day.  They will have the opportunity to play various glow games.  It should be a lot of fun.  This week, students will have PA Monday-Thursday. There is a special event happening in 5th grade on Friday.  As a result, Project Arrow will be canceled.    I would like to wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!

4PA Update

This week we will continue to read The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.  Students have been very diligent in completing learning tasks and homework assignments. It has been wonderful to observe how engaged students are when reading the text.  Their audible gasps and looks of shock when they learn something new about a character or a twist occurs that was unexpected is such a joy to see.  All students are deeply invested in this story and they have been truly captivated by the events that have taken place thus far.  I expect that we will be completing this text by the end of the week. Students will continue to have homework and the brief task of writing down 2-3 important events from the assigned chapter.  I would like to wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!

3PA Update

This week students will be wrapping up their annotations for The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen. For this piece, we delved deeper into the annotation process.  Students focused on the generalizations of change, internal and external change, character traits and symbolism.  I have been very impressed with their level of thinking.  For the remainder of the week, students will be participating in discussions about the text through a routine known as "Chat Stations."  They will be provided with time to consider the questions being posed and then share their perspectives with their peers.  Students will also be writing diamante' poems that express the internal and external change of the main character.  I would like to wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!

5PA Update

This week, students will continue working on their literary essays.  Students have learned how to write a strong thesis statement and cite evidence from the text.  During the upcoming week, learners will review how to explain their evidence and will be encouraged to include elaborative details.  Again, I will model the process for students so that they are confident about their abilities when required to work independently. The essays should be completed by Wednesday.  If students are unable to complete it in class, they will be assigned homework.  Towards the end of the week, students will be introduced to a new literary piece entitled "The Great Blackberry Pick".

4PA Update

During the upcoming week, students will continue reading The Secret Garden.  We have been having some wonderful conversations about the text. Students are beginning to understand the symbolism and are using inferential thinking to gain clear understandings.  We have also been discussing important events and adding these events to our plot development chart.   In addition, learners have been encouraged to consider the Depth and Complexity framework and note related ideas on sticky notes.  The goal for the upcoming week is for ALL students to think logically and reasonably.  Students will also be encouraged to support their thinking with appropriate evidence from the text.  Again, I will inform you through Seesaw regarding potential homework assignments. 

3PA Update

This week, students will complete their reading of "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen.  They will be guided through the annotation process and will focus on internal and external change, theme, and symbolism. We will work on annotating the text Monday-Wednesday.  Then, students will participate in an activity referred to as "Chat Stations".  Students will be provided with higher-level questions and will use text evidence to support their responses.  This will be a wonderful way to foster discussion about the text and will encourage students to use critical thinking skills.  Also, students will practice appropriate speaking and listening skills.  I look forward to observing these conversations and hearing their thoughts and opinions about the text.

5PA Update

During the upcoming week, students will be viewing the video of the story "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury.  We will compare and contrast the events in the story with those that occur in the video.  Students will then return to a story entitled The Raft by Jim LaMarche. We began this story a few weeks ago and were unable to finish it as a result of other curricular expectations.  There will be a new purpose for this text.  We will use it to complete a literary essay that will focus on the change that the main character undergoes throughout the story.  Learners will be exposed to the following terms: literary essay, thesis statement, claim and supporting evidence.  Throughout the week, students will be observers as I model the process of writing a literary essay.  Then, each learner will be expected to become an active participant by completing their own essay for the story "All Summer in a Day."  This process will, most likely, take 2 weeks to complete.  

3PA Update

This week, students will be learning about internal and external traits. Students will be encouraged to use the thoughts, words, and actions of a character in order to identify internal traits.  We will be applying their new knowledge by reading a book entitled The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig.  Students will participate in character analysis and will use inferential thinking to determine the character's traits.  Learners will also be prompted to use evidence from the text to support their thinking.  Each individual will make a personal connection by exploring their own internal and external traits.  Finally, students will be reading "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen and completing a literature web that will call for students to identify key words, big ideas, feelings, and symbols/images.

4PA Update

During the upcoming week, students will be continuing to read The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Barnett.  We will be exploring symbolism, internal and external traits, literary elements and various other concepts as we read this classic.  Students will engage in meaningful conversations about the text and will be encouraged to use higher-level thinking in order to understand the author's meaning and unearth implicit ideas.  I will contact you via Seesaw when students are to complete homework assignments.  Have a wonderful week!

5PA Update

Students are currently in the process of annotating the text "All Summer in a Day".  They will continue to annotate on Monday and Tuesday.  If students have not completed their annotating during class time, they will be required to complete it for homework. All learners will be participating in their second Socratic Seminar of the year.  I am looking forward to the rich discussions that will take place in relation to the text.  We will also be viewing the video depiction of the story.  Students will be asked to compare and contrast the events in the text and the video.

I look forward to meeting you at conferences and discussing your child's learning.  I sent home conference reminders on Thursday, November 14th.  If you did not receive one, please feel free to contact me by phone or email, and I will be happy to inform you of your conference time.  Conferences will take place on Thursday, November 21st from 4:30-8 p.m. and Monday, November 25th from 8:00 a.m.-8 p.m.  Please be aware that conferences will only be 10 minutes.

4PA Update

Last week students spent time reviewing symbolism.  During the upcoming week, we will wrap up our learning about symbolism and move into a brief review of literary elements and plot.  We will also be building background knowledge related to the content in The Secret Garden.  Finally, students will be completing a preview and predict activity which will enable them to begin to consider what this classic novel will be about.  During the remainder of the week, students will begin reading the text.  Each learner will be responsible for identifying literary elements, important events that relate to the plot, symbolism, character traits, etc...Please be aware that students, most likely, will have reading to do at home.  

I look forward to meeting you at conferences and discussing your child's learning.  I sent home conference reminders on Thursday, November 14th.  If you did not receive one, please feel free to contact me by phone or email, and I will be happy to inform you of your conference time.  Conferences will take place on Thursday, November 21st from 4:30-8 p.m. and Monday, November 25th from 8:00 a.m.-8 p.m.  Please be aware that conferences will only be 10 minutes.

3PA Update

This week, students will be wrapping up their work with Sachiko Means Happiness.  We will be completing our close reading of this story and completing an activity entitled Step Inside.  This learning activity focuses on multiple perspectives and will allow students to view the events from the characters' point of view.  Students will be presented with the following questions: What does the character see, feel and notice? What might the character know, understand, or believe?  What might the character care deeply about?  What might the character wonder about or question? 

Students will also be reading a book entitled The Remember Balloons which is a wonderful book that has many parallels with Sachiko Means Happiness.  James’s Grandpa has the best balloons because he has the best memories. He has balloons showing Dad when he was young and Grandma when they were married. Grandpa has balloons about camping and Aunt Nelle’s poor cow. Grandpa also has a silver balloon filled with the memory of a fishing trip he and James took together.

But when Grandpa’s balloons begin to float away, James is heartbroken. No matter how hard he runs, James can’t catch them. One day, Grandpa lets go of the silver balloon—and he doesn’t even notice!

Grandpa no longer has balloons of his own. But James has many more than before. It’s up to him to share those balloons, one by one.

I look forward to meeting you at conferences and discussing your child's learning.  I sent home conference reminders on Thursday, November 14th.  If you did not receive one, please feel free to contact me by phone or email, and I will be happy to inform you of your conference time.  Conferences will take place on Thursday, November 21st from 4:30-8 p.m. and Monday, November 25th from 8:00 a.m.-8 p.m.  Please be aware that conferences will only be 10 minutes.

3PA Update

This week, students will be moving on to a new book entitled Sachiko Means Happiness. Initially, students will be shown images of elderly people in order to determine their emotions/feelings.  The goal of this learning activity is to assist students in making strong connections with the main character in the story.  It will also enable them to infer the emotions/feelings of the character with more ease.  My hope is that these images will also evoke compassion and sympathy among every learner.  We will be completing a first read and then venture into a close read of this text.   Learners will be having in-depth discussions about their reading and will be asked to identify the various themes and the generalizations of change that are apparent in the text.  Students will also focus on symbolism and perspective.  Finally, learners will be reviewing plot development and begin working on a plot development chart in connection with the story.

Reminder:  Last week, I sent home a parent homework sheet that will help me to prepare for conferences.  If possible, please have your child return this form by Thursday, November 14th. Thank you!

4PA Update

Tomorrow, students will be completing the final preparation for our Socratic Seminar.  They will be considering themes that align with the text "Lenny's Red Letter Day" and will complete a class ranking to determine which theme will be discussed during our seminar.  Students will also be writing a personal goal that they will be asked to focus on throughout our discussion. Our first Socratic Seminar will occur on Tuesday, November 12th. 

During the remainder of the week, students will be reviewing important skills in preparation for The Secret Garden.  Students will be exposed to symbolism which will be a major focus during our novel study.  All learners will be provided time to examine different objects, and they will be encouraged to consider what they symbolize.  If time permits, we will read Her Right Foot by Dave Eggers.  This is a book about the making of the Statue of Liberty.  Students will discuss the different symbols connected to this national landmark.  We will also be reviewing literary elements, plot development, and building schema about ideas/concepts readers will be confronted with as they are reading this extraordinary classic.

Reminder:  Last week, I sent home a parent homework sheet that will help me to prepare for conferences.  If possible, please have your child return this form by Thursday, November 14th. Thank you!

5PA Update

Last week, 5PA had an amazing Socratic Seminar discussion. I was amazed at the level of thinking exhibited and the students' ability to engage in conversations centered around a piece of text.  This week, we will be focusing on the literary piece entitled "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury. Students completed the first read on Friday and were given an opportunity to share their initial reactions using an online discussion board called Padlet.  I was astounded by the ideas students were able to identify after having just read the text once. Learners will have the opportunity to revisit and analyze the text during the upcoming week.  They will be required to annotate the text and will be given approximately 3 days to complete this task.  During annotation, students will focus on the following concepts: identification of figurative language, ethical issues, big ideas, details, patterns, and perspective.  Finally, Project Arrow will be canceled on Monday, November 11th due to our Veterans Day assembly.

Reminder: On Friday, I sent home a parent homework sheet that will help me to prepare for conferences.  If possible, please have your child return this form by Thursday, November 14th.  Thank you!

5PA Update

This week, students will finally have their first Socratic Seminar of the year for the story "The Hemulen Who Loved Silence." This will take place on Tuesday, November 5th.  The goal is for all students to be active participants and to share their thinking with their peers.  Each student has written a goal which will be reviewed prior to the beginning of the seminar.  Afterward, students will participate in an individual and whole class goal reflection process in order to determine what went well and what improvements need to occur for future seminars.  

We will be moving on to our next story entitled "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury. Students will be completing the first read toward the end of the week and then move into the annotation process.  I am certain that this story will be a favorite for learners and engagement will be at an all-time high.  This happens to be one of my favorites and I am looking forward to having thoughtful discussions with students about Bradbury's work.

4PA Update

This week, 4PA will be wrapping up their annotations for the story "Lenny's Red Letter Day".  Students are still new to the annotation process.  Therefore, I have taken some much needed time to model how to annotate the text and use the Depth and Complexity icons in conjunction with the written notes they make.  We are also working on stamina while annotating.  The goal is for students to be able to work independently during a prolonged period of time in order to complete this task.  I have been conferring with students to ensure that they are on the right track and have been very pleased with the thinking I have observed.  If students do not complete their annotations in class, it will be assigned for homework.  Students will also be completing a written response task that relates to the story.  Finally, each learner will be participating in training for our first Socratic Seminar.  I am looking forward to the upcoming week!

3PA Update

Students will be wrapping up their work with the story "Shells" by Cynthia Rylant.  We have identified generalizations of change and implicit themes within the text.  Students have also engaged in thoughtful conversations through the use of a discussion strategy entitled "Stoplight Discussions". Please ask your child about the expectations of this discussion.  I was very impressed with each learner's thinking and their communication skills.

During the upcoming week, each learner will have the opportunity to observe authentic shells and identify what they notice and wonder during their observations. Students will be required to jot down their thinking using an online discussion board called Padlet.  Each learner will also complete a Flipgrid video response during which they will share a time in their lives when they "came out of their shell".  The goal is that each student will be able to continue to gain a clear understanding of what it means to "come out of your shell".  Finally, students will be introduced to a book entitled Sachiko Means Happiness.  We will take some time to do some important background building prior to reading the story. If time allows, students will be completing a close read of the text and engaging in conversations that help them to gain an in-depth understanding of the author's message.

5PA Update

5PA students will be completing their annotations for "The Hemulen Who Loved Silence".  We will then review Socratic Seminar expectations by completing a one-day training.  Socratic Seminar is a discussion forum that allows students to engage in conversations with one another.  The goal is that ALL students contribute thoughtful ideas throughout the seminar in order to obtain a clearer understanding of the text.  The teacher acts as a facilitator and is responsible for ensuring that the conversation stays on track.  After our seminar, students will take time to reflect and discuss what went well and what improvements need to be made in the future.

On Thursday, October 31, we will be having a "Glow Day".  Students may wear white or neon clothing.  We will take this opportunity to analyze Harris Burdick portraits and interpret what they think is occurring within the photograph.  Students will also be brainstorming questions about the images.  If time permits, students will use one of the images to write a short story.  I know the students will have LOTS of FUN!

3PA Update

3PA will be wrapping up their annotating for the story "Shells" by Cynthia Rylant.  We will be filling out a graphic organizer to explore the change in the main character. Students will be analyzing the character's dialogue, thoughts and actions to determine the change.  We will also be having an in-depth discussion regarding the text.  The use of higher-level questions will be used to encourage critical and inferential thinking skills.  If time permits, students will be investigating shells and thinking about what they notice and what they wonder. We will then make the connection between a literal shell and a metaphorical one.  The goal is for ALL students to understand the various "shells" that were preventing the characters from creating a strong bond.

On Thursday, October 31, we will be having a "Glow Day".  Students may wear white or neon clothing. The activity is TBD.  I know the students will have LOTS of FUN!

4PA Update

During the upcoming week, students will be reading a story entitled "Lenny's Red-Letter Day" by Bernard Ashley.  Learners will be reading, discussing and annotating the text throughout the week.  They will be receiving direct instruction regarding the annotation process as I will be modeling and completing think alouds to assist students in understanding this learning task. We will be exploring the following concepts while reading and annotating: big ideas, details, ethics, character traits and inferential thinking.  Students will also be responsible for identifying when the main character, Prakash, is showing concern for himself and others.  

On Thursday, October 31, we will be having a "Glow Day".  Students may wear white or neon clothing.  We will take this opportunity to engage in the writing process and create spooky or mystery stories.  I know the students will have LOTS of FUN!

5PA Update

Last week was a memorable week which I hope students will remember for years to come.  They were extremely invested in the process and took pride in their work. I was so impressed with their toothpaste making abilities, and all of the students were good sports when tasting their creations.  I even tried a few of the products!  If you ever find yourself in need of toothpaste, I'm sure that your child can provide you with this service for a minor fee.😁

This week, students will be taking a pre-assessment before moving into our first major literary piece.  Afterward, students will be reading a story entitled "The Hemulen Who Loved Silence". Each student will be responsible for completing text annotations during the upcoming week. The annotations will be linked to the Depth and Complexity framework. We will be exploring big ideas, perspectives, ethics, etc...  Please be aware if they do not complete these annotations during class, they will be responsible for completing them at home.  We will be spending 2-3 days on the annotation process.  

Please be on the lookout for the first quarter progress report which will be sent home on Friday, October 25th.

4PA Update

Last week, I was so impressed with the rich discussions that took place in relation to literary conflict.  The level of student engagement blew me away!  We have learned about character vs. self, character vs. character and character vs. society.  During the upcoming week, we will wrap up our conflict study by learning about character vs. nature.  We will be reading The Lorax by Dr. Seuss and looking for characteristics that connect to character vs. nature conflict.  Students will also be viewing the video of The Lorax (original version).  

Later in the week, students will be introduced to our first major literary piece entitled "Lenny's Red-Letter Day". During our literary analysis, learners will be responsible for completing annotations which will be linked to the Depth and Complexity framework.  Social and Emotional Learning will also be integrated and students will be discussing the importance of friendship and factors that influence how they choose their friends. 

Please be on the lookout for the first quarter progress report which will be sent home on Friday, October 25th.

3PA Update

During the upcoming week, 3PA will continue to explore a literary piece entitled "Shells" by Cynthia Rylant.  The students will be introduced to text annotation and will be responsible for identifying generalizations of change examples within the story.  We will also be discussing and identifying various themes within the text.  Theme is often referred to as the "big idea" and is inferred by the reader.  The students will be encouraged to look for clues to determine what the author wants the reader to understand (e.g. honesty, compassion, trustworthiness, etc...).  Towards the end of the week, learners will be participating in a literary discussion about the story.  The goal will be for ALL students to contribute ideas that represent critical thinking.  Interpretive questions will be posed that will allow students to use their personal experiences and evidence from the text to support their thinking.

Please be on the lookout for the first quarter progress report which will be sent home on Friday, October 25th.

4PA Update

Next week, 4PA students will be learning about the various types of conflict found within literary pieces.  They will be focusing on character vs. self, character vs. character, character vs. nature, and character vs. society.  We will explore different texts and use short clips to become familiar with conflict.  If time permits, we will begin reading our very first literary piece entitled "Lenny's Red Letter Day."  I would like to remind parents to download the Seesaw app in order to view your child's work. Have a good weekend!

3PA Update

3PA will continue to practice identifying generalizations of change by reading a humorous book called The Taking Tree by Shrill Travesty.  This is a selfish parody and a twist on the picture book entitled The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.  Students will engage in conversations about change and be required to identify examples within the text.  Each learner will also be completing a pre-assessment to help determine their knowledge of specific literary concepts.  We will also begin reading the story "Shells" by Cynthia Rylant.  

5PA Update

Next week, we will be wrapping up The Toothpaste Millionaire.  The ideas shared during our conversations about the book have been absolutely outstanding!  I have been so impressed with the students' critical thinking and the engagement they have exhibited during the past couple of weeks.  We will continue to focus on ideas that relate to depth and complexity during our final days reading this text.  We will also be completing a culminating activity which is sure to be the highlight of the week.  Students will be creating their very own toothpaste!  Please be sure to respond to the email regarding this activity which will be sent on Thursday, October 10th.  It is extremely important that I get written permission in order for your child to participate.  Students will also be given a pre-assessment to determine their current knowledge of literary concepts.  If time permits, we will begin reading a story entitled "The Hemulen Who Loved Silence". Have a great weekend!

5PA Update

We, unexpectedly, had to cancel PA classes for 2 days last week because of CogAT testing.  Therefore, we did not get very far in our novel.  Next week, we will continue to read Toothpaste Millionaire.  We had some wonderful conversations which have been enhanced by the use of the Depth and Complexity framework.  We have focused on details, big ideas, ethics, and multiple perspectives.  Students also focused on contradictions within the text (i.e. paradox) and connections (i.e. parallels).  I am looking forward to our continued study.

4PA Update

This week, students will wrap up their learning regarding how to identify various themes within literature.  Students will then transition to learning about the concept of conflict.  We will explore the four different types of conflict: character vs. self, character vs. character, character vs. nature and character vs. society.  Students will be completing an in-depth study of the various types of conflict through the use of picture books and short video clips.  If time permits, learners will be required to write a short story depicting a specific kind of conflict.  

Last week, students went on a scavenger hunt to apply their learning of point of view. They were responsible for finding examples of various points points of view within books found in our classroom. Students used an online tool called Flipgrid to record videos of themselves identifying the POV.  I was extremely pleased with their workmanship.  Please click below to view your child in action!

Diya and Giovanni
Eli and DJ
Aaron and Ian
Andrew and Ibrahaim
Mark and Achyuth
Nishka and Katie
Ben and Yusuf

Finally, this year we will be using Seesaw as an online digital portfolio.  On Friday, I sent home an informational packet that you can use to assist you with downloading the app onto your phone or tablet.  Please click HERE to be taken to the digital version.  Students were told that they would receive two gator golds if you download the app this weekend!

3PA Update

Students in 3PA have been hard at work learning about generalizations.  Each learner should now understand that they are broad statements about a subject based on information, observations, and experiences.  They are logical but unproven. During the upcoming week, students will be reviewing generalizations and taking a brief assessment on Monday.  

We will move on to learning about generalizations of change.  They are as follows: change happens over time, change can be predictable or unpredictable, change can be positive and/or negative, change is everywhere, change may happen naturally or be caused by people.  Students will brainstorm examples of change and categorize their ideas based upon the aforementioned categories.  Students will also apply their learning by identifying examples of change in picture books.  If time permits, we will begin our first literature piece entitled "Shells" by Cynthia Rylant.

5PA Update

5PA students will be having a quiz over the eight parts of speech on Monday.  They were asked to bring their binders home and review the grammar pages located in the resource section of their binder.  If they would like extra practice, they may work on the digital task that was assigned in Google Classroom.  It is titled "Parts of Speech Digital Activities".

All 5th-grade students will be completing the CogAT on October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.  This is a very important assessment as it is one of the tools we use for qualification purposes for middle school PA.  Please encourage your child to get a good night's rest and eat a healthy breakfast.  As a result of testing, students will see me for an abbreviated time during their testing days.  I will see them during the regularly scheduled time on Monday and Tuesday.  However, on Wednesday through Friday, I will see them for approximately 30 minutes.  During this time, we will continue our novel study The Toothpaste Millionaire.  Have a great weekend!

4PA Update

On Monday, students will wrap up their grammar study by learning about interjections.  They will also have a grammar quiz over the material covered during the last few weeks.  Students have been asked to refer to the pages in the resource section of their binder for review.  They should read each highlighted page to prepare. If they would like extra practice, they may work on the digital task that was assigned in Google Classroom.  It is titled "Parts of Speech Digital Activities".

Last week, our intention was to begin learning about point of view; however, we did not get to it.  During the upcoming week, POV will be a major focus.  Students will be receiving direct instruction as well as participating in various activities which will allow them to apply their learning.   We will also begin reviewing theme through the use of an interactive presentation.  Excerpts from the book Because of Winn Dixie will be shared to provide opportunities to practice identifying various themes present within the text.

We have begun our Seesaw exploration.  This is an online program that will serve as a digital portfolio of the work students complete throughout the year.  Seesaw will also be used as a communication tool for quick reminders that I would like to share with you.  Please be on the lookout for both a paper copy and a digital document that will provide you with information about how to get the Seesaw app and view your child's work.  Below is a quick video about Seesaw.

3PA Update

This week, we will be wrapping up our study of the eight parts of speech by learning about interjections.  Students will also have a short quiz on Monday. Please encourage your child to do a review of the grammar pages located in the resource section of their binder. They will only need to be aware of the following parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions.  Please have students refer to these pages only. There are additional pages; however, they will not need to review these.  Learners will be responsible for analyzing sentences and identifying the various parts of speech.

For the remainder of the week, your children will be learning about generalizations.  They will learn that generalizations are broad statements about a subject based on information, observations, and experiences.  They will also be introduced to the generalizations of change and be asked to apply their knowledge in various ways. 

Last week, I sent home some information about Seesaw via backpack.  If for some reason you did not receive it, please let me know.  You may also click HERE to be taken to the digital version.  Enjoy your weekend!

5PA Update

This week, students will continue their study of grammar.  We will be investigating adverbs, conjunctions, and prepositions.  We are finally beginning our novel study, Toothpaste Millionaire! This book is about an entrepreneur named Rufus Mayflower, a sixth-grader, who becomes a millionaire by making toothpaste.  Students will be introduced to a few of the Depth and Complexity icons (e.g. details, big ideas, ethics, change, etc...). These icons will be used throughout the year during the annotation process.  Depth and Complexity is a framework that enables students to categorize their thoughts about reading and provides opportunities for learners to use higher-level thinking skills to gain in-depth understandings of the text being read. I'm excited to use these icons in connection with our first novel and I am confident that it will help students to become thoughtful readers.

Last week, we finally completed our class motto/vision statement. I am so proud of the students and know that this will be a message that we can return to over and over again throughout our year together. Please see below.

4PA Update

This week, students will be wrapping up their learning about the eight parts of speech.  We will be exploring conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections.  Each learner will continue to be exposed to picture books, videos, and cooperative learning opportunities to deepen their understandings of the content being studied. Students will also view the Schoolhouse Rock videos to review their learning.  Below are some pictures of students engaging in a Kagan structure called Numbered Heads Together. Their task was to identify the different parts of speech within a given sentence.  I was so impressed with their engagement and accuracy!

We will begin learning about point of view. Students will engage in an interactive lesson to help them learn about first, second, and third-person point of view.  They will also be learning how to identify the different point of views when reading texts. 

Finally, we will be using one of my favorite texts, Because of Winnie Dixie to practice identifying theme within a text.  If time permits, we will begin exploring Seesaw...more information about this online portfolio will be coming soon!

3PA Update

Students have now learned about nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and verbs.  One way that students can practice their learning is by going on a book hunt and finding examples of the parts of speech they have studied.  During the upcoming week, students will be learning about adverbs, conjunctions, and prepositions.  Most likely, the concepts being examined will be new to students.  I will continue to use engaging activities and Kagan structures to help solidify understandings.

Last week, we began exploring Seesaw.  This is an online program that will serve as a digital portfolio of the work students complete throughout the year.  Seesaw will also be used as a communication tool for quick reminders that I would like to share with you.  Please be on the lookout for both a paper copy and a digital document that will provide you with information about how to get the Seesaw app and view your child's work.  Below is a quick video about Seesaw.

5PA Update

5PA has been fervently working on creating a class motto that we will live by this year in our classroom.  The goal will be to complete this task during the upcoming week. Take a quick peek below at the pics of your children collaborating.  Students will also continue their study of grammar and will be learning about the following concepts: verbs, adverbs, and conjunctions. We will begin our first novel study of the year, The Toothpaste Millionaire.  This story is about a sixth-grader named Rufus Mayflower.  He doesn't set out to become a millionaire. He just wants to save on toothpaste.  Betting he can make a gallon of his own for the same price as one tube from the store, Rufus develops a step-by-step production plan with help from his good friend Kate MacKinstrey. I am confident students will enjoy this book!

4PA Update

During the upcoming week, students will continue their study of grammar concepts.  Students will be learning about verbs, adverbs, and conjunctions. We will also begin to complete practice sentences.  Learners will be responsible for identifying the different parts of speech within a sentence. This task is similar to diagramming sentences.  The goal is that each child is able to apply the learning being done throughout the week, firm up their understandings, and decrease misconceptions about the skills being examined.

We have also incorporated Kagan structures which enhance understanding and create opportunities for students to communicate and collaborate appropriately with their peers.  Please see the videos of your children in action. I am looking forward to another wonderful week with your children.

3PA Update

We are well on our way to becoming grammar experts in 3PA.  During the upcoming week, students will be learning about adjectives, subjects, predicates, and verbs.  Students participate in daily readings as well as Kagan structures which help to solidify their understandings of the grammar concepts being studied.  These structures also help students to work on their communication and collaboration skills. There will be a short quiz over nouns, pronouns, and adjectives on Tuesday.

Last week, we began learning about plot development through the use of a short fable entitled The Lion and the Gnat.  Students were exposed to a plot development chart and reviewed the following elements: exposition, rising action, falling action, and resolution. This week, we will continue to use The Lion and the Gnat to work on inferential thinking and identify consequences and implications.  Students will also be writing a similar short story. Learners will be required to include the story elements previously discussed.  I am so impressed with your children and their enthusiasm about learning.